Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
Fly lights are a great way to control flies and other flying insects. It is the light that attracts them; however, sometimes pheromones are used as well. Once the flying invaders get close to the light, they buzz around until they bump into a sticky pad that is usually non-toxic. On contact, it catches the [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
So nothing is cool about having fleas and having to perform a flea treatment on your home. But since we all love our pets, fleas will come a knockin’. If you find yourself knee-deep in fleas, kidding really, but if you do have fleas popping up all over the place, the first thing to do [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
You need earwig control if you have ever seen a reddish brown bug with forceps on its back in your garden. They are very common in any landscape and sometimes the little critters make it into your home causing a ruckus! These little guys eat other insects and, in some cases, are actually great if [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
Do it yourself pest control is not as daunting as it may seem. There were times when you had to really know what you were doing and had to wear all sorts of protective equipment. However, let’s take a look at a guy wanting to treat his own house for carpenter ants back in the [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
In some parts of the country, cockroaches are just a part of life. They generally live outside but if your home is welcoming to them, they will find their way in. These creepy little scavengers, opportunistic feeders if you will, are scrappy and can be hard to control if you do not understand them. They [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
Bug control goes way beyond blasting your home with toxic chemicals that will not only kills bugs but everything else in a five mile radius as well! To help control the bugs that get into your home, you may want to utilize some useful hints to make your home unattractive to bugs. It goes without [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
When you are dealing with a lea problem, it is important to determine the source of infestation or the (host). Common sources of infestation in a home include: • House pets that become infested outdoors. • Pest animals (squirrels, raccoons, mice, etc) living in the home. • Feral cats or dogs that drop fleas in [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 12:24:28
When you are dealing with a Flea problem, it is important to determine the source of infestation or the (host). Common sources of infestation in a home include: • House pets that become infested outdoors. • Pest animals (squirrels, raccoons, mice, etc) living in the home. • Feral cats or dogs that drop fleas in [...]
Updated: 2012-07-31 00:55:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Monday , July 30, 2012 Watch Out For Wasps It is that time of year when the bees and wasps are starting to look for lodging . That small paper wasp nest that formed in the spring time as grown to the size of a small city by now and yikes , they don't want you coming near them . When I say wasps , I mean one of the seven types of common wasps that can be a nuisance . Yellow Jackets , paper wasps , mud dauber wasps , hornets , potter wasps and pollen wasps , are all out making homes . Some are much more hot tempered than others , and they can cause some problems , so it is important to carefully consider whether you want to try to kill them yourself or
Updated: 2012-07-31 00:41:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Monday , July 30, 2012 My Disclosure Policy This blog is for entertainment purposes only , a place to get general information . It is not written by an entomologist . It is recommended that you seek the advice of a professional pest control company before doing any pest control yourself or using any pest control poison or chemicals , as this can be deadly . This policy is valid from 30 July 2012 This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me . For questions about this blog , please contact Bill . McCaffrey This blog accepts forms of cash advertising , sponsorship , paid insertions or other forms of . compensation The compensation received may
Updated: 2012-07-20 19:53:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends About Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Bed Bug Treatment Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Integrated Pest Management Online Bill Pay Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial
Updated: 2012-07-17 18:04:17

If you’ve ever been in a house or building with a dead rat in the wall, you know how bad it smells. Just recently, we got a call about an office with exactly that problem. Their property manager had already had his pest guy come out a day or two earlier, but he could [...]
Updated: 2012-07-15 01:54:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Saturday , July 14, 2012 Kill Giant Bees Have you ever gone out to your garden and notice what looks like sand soil dug out and wondered what was living in there Then you notice it , the airplane of a bee hovering around the hole . Holy smokes It's a flying cow . These bees that come out around this time are called cicada killers . A very large wasp that feed on nectar , but their young , the larvae , feed on cicada . So what do you do Well these wasps don't really hurt you if you leave them alone , but depending on where the holes are situated , you may need to eliminate them . I think the best approach is either to give a broad spray over the wasp
Updated: 2012-07-13 22:00:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends About Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Bed Bug Treatment Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Integrated Pest Management Online Bill Pay Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial
Updated: 2012-07-13 20:11:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends About Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Bed Bug Treatment Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Integrated Pest Management Online Bill Pay Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial
Updated: 2012-07-13 17:27:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends About Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Bed Bug Treatment Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Integrated Pest Management Online Bill Pay Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial
Updated: 2012-07-06 15:06:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Friday , July 06, 2012 German Roaches German Roaches , food roaches , dirt roaches , however you call them , one thing is for sure , you don't want them in your home . nbsp These roaches do have a stigma attached to them , people often times think they are related to being dirty , this isn't so . Roaches can be brought into a home by an number of ways . Deliveries , shopping orders , visitors , infested neighbor houses can all be ways these roaches can find their way into your home . So what do you do once you see one Roaches can be easily treated if they are caught early . Using a good bait can be very effective . There are gel baits , stationary